Dec 22, 2013

10 things... or 15... or 20...

So I figured I should probably do 10 facts about me, but as I was thinking of things to write I had to keep adding more. So we'll just see where it ends and call it good.
Okay go!
1. I will always, always text people back no matter what. I know what it's like to be ignored and I hated the feeling so I never want anyone to feel as if I'm ignoring them.
2. I never step on cracks. It's not that I'm superstitious it just keeps me occupied while walking
3. It takes me at least an hour to fall asleep at night. No matter how tired I am
4. I love my friends more then life. And will always make sure to tell them
5. I've had my heart broken and it was the absolute worst pain I've experienced and I wish that no one ever had to feel what a broken heart is like
6. I love the rain. There's something about it that just instantly calms me down
7. I've been to Italy, Austria, Switzerland and France as a Student Ambassador for the United States
8. I want to change the world. I'm not sure how, but I want to make an impact. Even if it's small. If I change even one person's life I'll be happy
9. I'm a sucker for chick flicks but don't like to tell people that
10. I may have a slight obsession with Pinterest. Only slightly
11. I believe old school movies are the best. Pretty Women, Ferris Buellers day off, The Breakfast Club, Shawshank Redemption and the Green Mile are all top 10 for sure
12. I love love. Sounds clique but I believe love is the most powerful and amazing emotion you can feel.
13. I love going to college. Call me weird but I love learning new things
14. I'm a total book worm. When I'm older I want a room full of books from wall to wall
15. I can't wait to be married. I need to find a guy first.
16. I hate hate hate mornings. They are the absolute worst thing ever

17. I love having Harry Potter marathons. I would have one every month if possible
18. I hate being cold. Winter is my enemy.
19. I'm allergic to horses and grass
20. I love to drink, but hardly every do
21. I hate being ignored. It's my biggest pet peeve and the number one way to royally piss me off
22. I just want to live a happy life and do things that make me happy

So there it is people. I'm a pretty simple person.
Merry Christmas <3